Wall glazes create walls that appeal to your senses. Apply several delicade shades, one on top of the other to create “living” walls with an effect that is totally different to that of single – dimensional, uniform – coloured walls.
Excerpt from the Auro product catalogue
- Indigo violet 360-41 on Wallpaper RICHARD RD 0108
- Reseda yellow 360-11 on Wallpaper COTTAGE GARDEN RD 819
- Madder red 360-21 on Wallpaper HIGH LEAF RD 80026
- Reseda madder orange 360-29 on Wallpaper BRICK RD 812
- Leaf green 360-61 on Wallpaper CAIGER RD 4000
- Madder red 360-38 on Wallpaper RANWORTH RD 03010
- Cochineal red 360-49 on Wallpaper ERFURT-Vliesfaser 722
- Indigo blue 360-51 on Wallpaper ERFURT-Vliesfaser 731