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Here you’ll find our products for paint


Deco-in glaze available in 20 color shadows. Smearproof dispersion glaze for creativ painting techniques indoor.
Deco-sil glaze available in 10 color shadows. Silicate glaze for creative painting techniques indoor and outdoor.

zero glazes - Paint

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Color washed plant glazes (natural)
Wall glazes create walls that appeal to your senses. Apply several delicade shades, one on top of the other to create “living” walls with an effect that is totally different to that of single – dimensional, uniform – coloured walls.

auroplantglazes - Paint

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Colored waxes
Bright and intensive glaze colours with additional wax protection: the wall glaze is the ideal paint for the children’s bedrooms, kitchen or hall.

aurocoloredwaxes - Paint

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